
Java jxl methods
Java jxl methods

java jxl methods
  1. #Java jxl methods how to#
  2. #Java jxl methods driver#
  3. #Java jxl methods password#

Public static String Filename="exemple.xls" You are calling “dict.get(colName)” but “dict” does not have any values. I referred your video, and it is a superb one. Session ID: ac92d169-61e2-4283-9f75-2862cdd97e68Īt 0(Native Method)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt .newInstance(Unknown Source)Īt .ErrorHandler.createThrowable(ErrorHandler.java:206)Īt .ErrorHandler.throwIfResponseFailed(ErrorHandler.java:158)Īt .RemoteWebDriver.execute(RemoteWebDriver.java:678)Īt .RemoteWebElement.execute(RemoteWebElement.java:327)Īt .RemoteWebElement.click(RemoteWebElement.java:85)Īt 0(Native Method)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt .invoke(Unknown Source)Īt .(LocatingElementHandler.java:51)Īt .$Proxy2.click(Unknown Source)Īt or.(GoogleHomePageObjects.java:32)Īt or.(GoogleSearchTest.java:28)Ĭaused by: : Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted withīuild info: version: ‘2.53.1’, revision: ‘a36b8b1’, time: ‘ 17:32:46’ Public void GmailLoginPage() throws InterruptedException ] * Description : To Perform login operation in Gmail Load the Excel Sheet Col in to Dictionary for Further use in our Test void Author : Karthik KK XlsUtil = new ExcelSheetDriver("D:\\Data.xls") You may check out the related API usage on the. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. These examples are extracted from open source projects.

#Java jxl methods how to#

Let's assume we have only one Excel File which holds all Testcases. The following examples show how to use mergeCells ().

java jxl methods

Public ReadDataTest() throws BiffException, IOException Constructor to initialze Excel for Data source

#Java jxl methods driver#

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver() * Description: To perform Gmail Login using Data driven approach

#Java jxl methods password#

Perform User Name and password entry with different combinations of value by reading from Excel sheet You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you dont like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. Step 2: Create a TestNG Class file to perform Gmail LoginĢ. The following examples show how to use examples are extracted from open source projects. Next we are going to create actual test file which is going to perform intended operation, here we are going to perform Gmail login functionality. Value = ((Integer) dict.get(colName)).intValue() Public static int GetCell(String colName) Iterate through all the columns in the Excel sheet and store the value in Hashtableįor(int col=0 col < wrksheet.getColumns() col++) Create Column Dictionary to hold all the Column Names Return wrksheet.getCell(column,row).getContents() Public static String ReadCell(int column,int row) Returns the Cell value by taking row and Column values as argument For Demo purpose the excel sheet path is hardcoded, but not recommended :) Wrkbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(ExcelSheetPath))

java jxl methods java jxl methods

Public ExcelSheetDriver(String ExcelSheetPath) throws BiffException, IOException * Description: Reusable Library file to perform Excel related operations * Date : Create a function to read from the Dictionary Create a Dictionary to store Excel Sheet Column nameĥ. Read Cell value from a specified locationĤ. Step 1 : Create a library file with all the below mentioned functionalityģ. The library file need to have following basic functionality in hand, let say In order to perform data driven testing, all we need to do is create a reusable library file just for Excel using JXL. Well, for this I don’t want to bore you guys with lot of theoretical contents which you can always find some way or other, but I would like to show the real working code. How can I use this in my Selenium framework which I have? What are the steps which has to be taken care to make my framework a data driven framework? But the greatest question of the day is, how to use JXL for data driven testing ?. We have learned what is Data driven testing and how we can use JXL to read data from Excel Sheets in Part 1 of our previous post.

Java jxl methods